Sunday, May 6, 2007

Tahuata - Nord Oste

Enough of the big city. We left Atuona and sailed down wind through the same channel. Much nicer trip down wind! Ha! We are in a little bay on the NW corner of Tahuata, close to where we were before.

There is no one living in this bay, so we helped our selves to some coconuts, pomel'le'muose (large great fruit), limes and a mango. Trinda and Donnie both walked too close to a wasp's nest with the usual effect. (benadril, back at the boat took care of the swelling).

Then we went snorkeling. I saw almost every fish from the movie, "Finding Nemo".

Trinda put her fishing pole out and left it over night. She has just bought a roll of 230 LB test line and a new lure. This morning it was gone! Pole, line lure. Even the pole holder. So the score is 9:2 with the fish ahead! ;( I cut a small piece of fish from the tuna we caught on the way here that was still on deck in a bucket, it was not a good one. And immediately caught 2 nice fish. A red snapper and something else. We decided to take them around to another boat or two and get a second opinion
about the edibility of them. It was unanimous that there is ciguatera here and we shouldn't eat either of them. But while telling the story of Trinda's pole, I realized that it might be here still. When we got back, we got the snorkel stuff and looked,, Yep! There it was, right under the boat, only 42 feet down! Just as clear as anything. I got the grapnel anchor out of the dinghy and from the surface, managed to snag the pole and bring it up. Her lure was firmly caught in a rock on the bottom. We
put the line in a wench and pulled it right up, lure and all!

Tomorrow we are going to the NW corner of Hiva Oa, Hauamenu. It is about 12 miles away.

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