This is Trinda's friend Lisa house, far left. Her inlaws were fishermen when the boat still floated. Now they mostly do boat work for other locals who come to the area to repaint the bottom and such.Her mother-in-law lives in the center one.

This is the view from Zeke's restaurant in the other boatyard. Our boat is in Pepe's yard at the far end. You can almost see our dinghy tied to the back of the boat in front of the last boat to the right.

Some days it is a bit tough getting up the ramp to the boat. I told the kids it had rained too much and the ocean was about to run over! Also note that with everything out of the boat to paint and work, we can see where the water line was supposed to be!

Yes, the ramps are split bamboo over bamboo poles.
Things are going OK. I gave notice to the apartment, June 26 we move back to the boat.....or something??
I hope it is livable by then. All the rot is replaced and has at least one coat of paint. Lots has the 2 epoxy primers and the linear polyurethane topcoat. Some has the new varnish, but not much. The last major effort is to take out the ports and windows and re-seal the deck around them and put them back.
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