So these are the starboard windows in , but not yet cleaned up and painted.
These are the port windows with the epoxy filler and wood reseal, reshaped ready for the new windows. No more leaks! Or else!
Of course I bought one less tube of the magic stuff than we need, so off to town in the morning to get one more. And other stuff, it never seems to end.
Louie has just finished the top coat on the whit and masked the teak getting ready to spray the varnish on.
An update on Trinda, its not ALL about the boat... Well anyway she had a mosquitoe bite that wasn't healing. She kept scratching it and it started bleeding a lot. Finally it got Big, larger than a pencil eraser. She went to the local doc and found out it was an infected mole and he cut it out. A little scary but she seems OK. Antibiotics and pain killers for a week or so. Back to change dressing tomorrow evening and the stitches out next week. He cut out more than a marble size chunk.