Monday, November 10, 2008


We had a really nice Sunday dinner with Rubis' cousins, Simeti and Neta and family. They made bar-b-que chicken, pumpkin (not the squash the Kiribati call pumpkin), chicken stir-fry, taro, fried breadfruit, fried fish, raw fish, and of course rice. Trinda and I took a peach cobbler and a pasta salad. They really liked the cobbler.

Then today we had a traditional supper with Femala and Vaitupu and their family. We met them walking up the street looking for a bus. They saw we were hot and tired and offered us a cold drink while we waited for the bus. The only thing new was a kind of tree leaf they cook like spinach. Trinda and I took an apricot cobbler and a pasta salad. They really liked the cobbler again! They also had hard boiled eggs and lamb sausage links. It was all very good. We had a nice time visiting and talking about
places we had been and that he had been.

Tomorrow I'll go check out and we'll leave for Nikanau and Tarowa. It should be 4 days or so to Nikanau then 2 more to Tarowa. I hope they let us stop there. Rumor is that they insist you check into Tarowa before you can go to any outer island, but it is over 200 miles up wind if we got to Tarowa first.

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