Thursday, July 12, 2007

Tahiti Market Day

Trinda in "La Truck".

We are not ready, but leaving Tahiti today anyway.

Yesterday, we went shopping and as we were crossing the market a little girl came running up saying "Hi Trinda!!". It was Eugenia from Raraka! The school teacher, Madame and her daughter are here vacationing since school is out. We spent a wonderful day visiting and walking around the shops. It really is a small world!

The Raraka crowd.

I bought a coconut shredder, what they use to make homemade shredded coconut and coconut cream. Now we can try to make our own Passion Cru de Coco, the raw fish with coconut cream on top.

I got ythe wood to make a new steering oar for the windvane, but haven't finished shaping it. Will work more on it under way. We are headed for Tahaa and Bora Bora. It is about 120 miles so maybe 24 hours. Maybe the internet will be better there.

Trinda and Madame, the school teacher, with the band at lunch.

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