Larry and Trinda have been sailing the Pacific and SE Asia in their Passport 45 ketch, the Katie Lee for 19 years.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Update on Barb
We are proud of her and wish her great success.
Monday, April 19, 2010
I had a hydraulic pump on the watermaker/generator motor. I needed to remove it. It took two days to get it off and get the generator back together. The pulley for the pump was behind the flywheel so it had to be disassembled this far just to take the pump off.
A view of the galley as I started stripping the old varnish off.
The port settee and galley 'finished. 3 coats most places with a 4th in the high wear areas.
Dive at Enamonet
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Preparing for at Seattle Visit
I have now completed the V-berth stateroom, the port settee, half the galley, the removable floor boards and (almost) the cabinet doors from the galley forward. 4 quarts of satin and 2 quarts of gloss.
I changed the oil in both the generator and main engine and cleaned the bilge, so the bilge pump will operate automatically as advertised. Of course the bilge pump hose is bad and has to be replaced too.
Still to go: filling the diesel tanks, pickling the watermaker, removing anything valuable from the deck/lifelines ( all those ropes Trinda thinks I should live without!) cleaning u inside and storing all these newly varnished doors below somewhere.
I have arranged for friend to watch the boat, including starting the engines occasionally and checking the mooring lines. I need to make a check list for him and written instructions for the engines.
These things need to happen as I say so long to Spike. He is leaving for Hawaii Saturday and I fly out on Monday. Again, the good thing about cruising is the friends you make, the bad thing is the goodbye's to those friends.
April 4 is the Liberation Day celebration in Aur atoll. It is the day the Americans liberated the Marshallese there from the Japanese during WWII. It seems like 6 boats are going up for the event. The American Ambassador was invited and almost went too, but reliable transportation is just not available for their time frame. There is no real scheduled inter-island transport. There is an airline, but with 27 islands and only 2 older planes, they have canceled flights regularly and they often skip a stop if they don't have at least 2 passengers for that stop. (They do tell you before you would have departed though.) But that leads to you can go, but may not be able to come back anywhere near the time you plan, as much as several months go by without flights.
I really wish I could go, it was so nice last year and we have a number of friends there. Maybe when we get back from the visit.