We went to Trinda's family reunion in San Antonio Saturday. There were a lot more relatives than I expected to find. All the brothers and sisters were able to come and a large percentage of the nieces and nephews.
First the brothers and sisters: In front, Winnette, Binda, Trinda and Darlene. In back are Billy, John and Niles.
Then them and their cousins.
Then some of the nieces and nephews.
There was lots of food of course. We took our usual of chocolate cake and peach cobbler. There were beans, bar-b-que chicken and sausage, potato salad and all the normal Texas food.
As usual, I failed to get all the pictures I should have taken. There are a lot of spouses and family shots I missed. All of the photos I did get will be on the cruising album shortly.
We spent Thursday and Friday nights with Darlene and Robert and the day today with Winnette. I failed to get the camera out there too.
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