It has been a while since I have written. It has been busy and rainy here in Majuro.
We have started re-finishing the inside of the boat. We are using polyurathane instead of varnish. Gloss on the floor and trin and simi-gloss on the walls and doors. It ovcourse started lots of rain just as we were committed and the instructions say less than 75% humidity and less than 80 degrees. Maybe it will just dry slower as we never reach those minimums!

Phil, who just purchased Windswept, a 65' trimaran, made a temporary mast. He plans to sail to Thailand to do a major re-fit and repair. Here the local guys have stepped the temporary mast and are trying to get the sling the crane used off the mast. He did not fall off the pallet! Amazing.

We entered the first Yacht Club race of the season. Before the wind blew it was almost calm as I approached Irish Melody and the local canoe passed between both of us.

The crew for the race. Ali is Maraine's husband. Trinda spends time with here sewing and baking and such. They are relatives of some frinds we made on Aur atoll. I have trouble with the volenteer teachers names., must be some sort of mental block!, Heather, Lee, Ru and 2 more, theN Rob form Yohala came along as experienced crew. This is after the jib (foresail) is ripped and we are motoring back to the buoy with our tails between our leggs.

The next day the WAMM canoe bulding and construction class graduated and this is their class project. Beautiful canoe. They shortly broke the boom doing about 15 knots and flipped the boat end over end (pitch-poled). It didn't hurt them or the canoe any more though. It was a fun day but I sunburned my nose bad and got a back ache from standing around all day.