Monday, October 11, 2010

Kaven Trip Canceled

Not quit sure what's up, but instead of showing up at 6 AM, the doctors and the councilman came out after 7 and said the trip was canceled, then asked when I would be going to Toroa and whether I would take 8 passengers then. I guessed 3 days and said maybe on Thursday. It looks like they are counting on Thursday at 8 AM.

Oh well. all in a days cruising. Our friend Steve on Iornie, is bringing his girlfriend, Dada, to stay with her father here in Airik. They had been dating a while, but Steve is planning to head west in Nov. also. It seems we met her father and uncle last time here. She has a new half brother here. She was asked to help with a name and chose "Larry". SO, I have a name-sake in Airik, Maloelap, Marshall Islands. He is a very well fed 3 month old. I'll have photos later.

Several of the folks remember us from last year. The ladies (Nita, are expecting Trinda to spend the day with them tomorrow (beading I think) and I am taking a Romeo and sons on a spear fishing expedition. They are short of both boats and fuel. ha!

We met Christina, the World Teach volunteer here. She seems happy and adjusted to island life.

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